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Namespace atropa.xpath

Version 20130313.
An Xpath toolkit for manipulating the DOM.
Defined in: <node_modules/atropa-xpath/src/atropa-xpath.js>.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
An Xpath toolkit for manipulating the DOM.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Escapes single quotes (apostrope) in Xpath queries.
atropa.xpath.getNodesByXpath(xpathExpression, contextNode, docref)
Selects nodes from the DOM using an Xpath expression.
atropa.xpath.processNodesByXpath(xpathExpression, contextNode, docref, callback)
Processes nodes from the DOM using an Xpath expression.
atropa.xpath.removeNodesByXpath(xpathExpression, contextNode, docref)
Removes nodes from the DOM using an Xpath expression.
Namespace Detail
An Xpath toolkit for manipulating the DOM.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
Method Detail
<static> {String} atropa.xpath.escapeQuotesXpath(string)
Escapes single quotes (apostrope) in Xpath queries.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
 // this is useful for using arbitrary strings in your queries.
 var arbStr, escapedStr, xpathExpression, foundNodes;
 arbStr = "Jimmy ain't never said \"Shur\" Why? I don't know!";
 escapedStr = atropa.xpath.escapeQuotesXpath(arbStr);
 // produces: concat('Jimmy ain', "'", 't never said "Shur" Why? I don', "'",
 // 't know!')
 // it is much easier to deal with the variable name than it is to deal with
 // all those quotes and commas!
 xpathExpression = './/p[contains(text(),' + escapedStr + ')]';
 foundNodes = atropa.xpath.getNodesByXpath(xpathExpression);
 // found nodes will contain the p elements where the text was matched.
{String} string
An Xpath query
{String} Returns a string representing a concat function in Xpath which will effectively work in escaping quotes in your xpath query.

<static> {Array} atropa.xpath.getNodesByXpath(xpathExpression, contextNode, docref)
Selects nodes from the DOM using an Xpath expression.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
  // To get all the elements in the document with a src attribute:
  var srcElements = atropa.xpath.getNodesByXpath('[@src]');
{String} xpathExpression
An Xpath expression as a string
{DOM Node} contextNode
Optional. The node which is to serve as the root for the supplied Xpath expression. Defaults to the document's root node.
{DOM Document} docref
Optional. A reference to the document you are searching, defaults to document.
{Array} Returns an array whose elements are DOM Nodes
atropa.xpath.processNodesByXpath for more information.

<static> {Number} atropa.xpath.processNodesByXpath(xpathExpression, contextNode, docref, callback)
Processes nodes from the DOM using an Xpath expression.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
  // Say you wanted to touch all the anchors and links in window.document
  var xpathExpression, callback;
  xpathExpression = './/a';
  callback = function(oneNode) {
      oneNode.touched = true;
      xpathExpression, document, document, callback);
  // Or say you have an iframe, with the id 'myFrame'. In the iframe there
  // is a div with the id myDiv.
  // Here is how you would remove all the anchors in that div.
  var myFrame, xpathExpression, contextNode, docref, callback;
  myFrame = document.getElementById('myFrame');
  docref = myFrame.contentWindow.document;
  contextNode = docref.getElementById('myDiv');
  xpathExpression = './/a';
  callback = function(oneNode) {
      xpathExpression, contextNode, docref, callback);
{String} xpathExpression
An Xpath expression as a string
{DOM Node} contextNode
Optional. The node which is to serve as the root for the supplied Xpath expression. Defaults to whatever docref is. If you are using a relative path such as .//a and, you only want the anchors that are descendants of another element, you would supply a reference to that element for this argument. When using a context node, the docref argument must refer to the context node's containing document.
{DOM Document} docref
Optional. A reference to the document you are searching, defaults to document. If you have created a separate DOMDocument with the atropa.HTMLParser, an iframe, or by some other means, you would put a reference to that document here to indicate that you intend to use that document's root.
{Function} callback
A function applied to every element found using the supplied xpath expression. The callback receives a single element as it's only argument.
{Number} Returns the quantity of nodes processed.

<static> {Number} atropa.xpath.removeNodesByXpath(xpathExpression, contextNode, docref)
Removes nodes from the DOM using an Xpath expression.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
  // to remove all anchors with the class "oops" inside of any div in
  // document
  var xpathExpression = ".//div//a[@class='oops']";
{String} xpathExpression
An Xpath expression as a string
{DOM Node} contextNode
Optional. The node which is to serve as the root for the supplied Xpath expression. Defaults to whatever docref is.
{DOM Document} docref
Optional. A reference to the document you are searching, defaults to document.
{Number} Returns the quantity of nodes removed.
atropa.xpath.processNodesByXpath for more information.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Nov 17 2022 14:29:55 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)