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Namespace atropa.inquire

Version 20120909.
Container for functions that test the state of inputs.
Defined in: <node_modules/atropa-inquire/src/atropa-inquire.js>.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Container for functions that test the state of inputs.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
atropa.inquire.hasProperty(obj, prop)
Checks an object for the existence of a property regardless of whether the property was inherited or not.
Checks whether the input is an empty string.
Checks whether the input is null.
Checks whether the input is an object.
Checks whether the input is both an object and not null.
Namespace Detail
Container for functions that test the state of inputs.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
Method Detail
<static> {Boolean} atropa.inquire.hasProperty(obj, prop)
Checks an object for the existence of a property regardless of whether the property was inherited or not.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Object} obj
An object which may or may not have the property identified by prop.
{String} prop
A string value representing the name of the property.
{Boolean} Returns true if obj.prop exists, otherwise returns false.

<static> {Boolean} atropa.inquire.isEmptyString(str)
Checks whether the input is an empty string.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{String} str
The string you want to know about
{Boolean} Returns true if str is an empty string, otherwise returns false.

<static> {Boolean} atropa.inquire.isNull(x)
Checks whether the input is null.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Mixed} x
Any input that may or may not be null.
{Boolean} Returns true if x === null.

<static> {Boolean} atropa.inquire.isObject(x)
Checks whether the input is an object.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Mixed} x
Any input that may or may not be an object.
{Boolean} Returns true if typeof(x) === 'object'.

<static> {Boolean} atropa.inquire.isObjectNotNull(x)
Checks whether the input is both an object and not null.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Mixed} x
Any input that may or may not be both an object and null.
{Boolean} Returns true if x is both an object and not null. (null is an object).

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