Class atropa.Requester
This represents an XMLHttpRequest.
Defined in: <node_modules/atropa-Requester/src/atropa-Requester.js>.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
This represents an XMLHttpRequest.
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
Object whose properties and values are header names and values
Set the timeout value for the request in milliseconds.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
makeRequest(method, url, messageBody, callback)
Makes an AJAX request.
Class Detail
var requester, formData; requester = new atropa.Requester(); requester.timeout = 10000; // requests will abort after 10 seconds. requester.requestHeaders = { "aHeader" : "headerValue", "anotherHeader" : "andValue" }; function showRequestResults(status, request) { console.log("Status: ' + status); console.dir(request); // console dir may or may not // be supported in your environment. } formData = new FormData(); formData.append('aFormFieldName', 'formFieldData'); formData.append('anotherFormFieldName', 'andData'); requester.makeRequest( "post", "", formData, showRequestResults);
- Returns:
- {Requester} Returns a requester object.
- Requires:
- atropa.ArgsInfo#checkArgTypes
Field Detail
Object whose properties and values are header names and values
Set the timeout value for the request in milliseconds. The request will
abort after this amount of time has passed.
Method Detail
makeRequest(method, url, messageBody, callback)
- Parameters:
- {String} method
- The HTTP method to be used for this request.
- {String} url
- The URL to send the request to.
- {String} messageBody
- The body of the request.
- {Object} callback
- The callback function to execute when readyState is 4. The callback is supplied with two arguments. The first argument is a boolean indicating whether or not the http status was 200. The second argument is the request object.
- Throws:
- atropa.Requester.makeRequest unexpected argument type