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Namespace atropa.random

Version 20120909.
Provides random strings and numbers.
Defined in: <node_modules/atropa-random/src/atropa-random.js>.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Provides random strings and numbers.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Get a random key from the given array.
Get a random value from the given array.
Get a random property name from the given object.
atropa.random.integer(min, max)
Generates a random number between the specified min and max value.
Remove a random element from the given array.
Remove a random property from the given object.
atropa.random.string(stringLength, characterClass)
Gives you a random string whose length and characters you specify.
Namespace Detail
Provides random strings and numbers.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
Method Detail
<static> {Number} atropa.random.getArrayKey(arr)
Get a random key from the given array.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Array} arr
The array to select a random key from. The keys of the array must be contiguous.
{Number} A random integer between 0 and arr.length

<static> {Mixed} atropa.random.getArrayValue(arr)
Get a random value from the given array.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Array} arr
The array to select a random value from. The keys of the array must be contiguous.
{Mixed} A random value from the given array.

<static> {String} atropa.random.getPropertyName(obj)
Get a random property name from the given object.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Object} obj
The object to select a random property name from.
{String} A random property name from the given object.

<static> {Number} atropa.random.integer(min, max)
Generates a random number between the specified min and max value.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Number} min
The lowest number you want returned
{Number} max
The highest number you want returned
{Number} A random number within the specified range.

<static> {Mixed} atropa.random.pullArrayElement(arr)
Remove a random element from the given array.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Array} arr
The array to remove a random element from. The keys of the array must be contiguous.
{Mixed} A random value from the given array.

<static> {Mixed} atropa.random.pullProperty(obj)
Remove a random property from the given object.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Object} obj
The object to remove a random property from.
{Mixed} A random value from the given object.

<static> {String} atropa.random.string(stringLength, characterClass)
Gives you a random string whose length and characters you specify.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{Number} stringLength
This is the length of the string.
{String} characterClass
Optional. May be one of: numeric, caps, lower, alpha, alphanumeric, punctuation, vowel, consonant This is the type of characters you want returned to you. Defaults to alphanumeric.
{String} A random string of specified length and composition.

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