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Built-In Namespace _global_

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
formdataGenerator(form, funcName, useOptionsObj, tab, eol)
A function generator that takes an HTML form and writes an equivalent function which will produce a formData object.
Method Detail
{String} formdataGenerator(form, funcName, useOptionsObj, tab, eol)
A function generator that takes an HTML form and writes an equivalent function which will produce a formData object. The function can be generated to accept multiple parameters or a single options object.
Defined in: atropa-formdata-generator.js.
Author: Matthew Christopher Kastor-Inare III
☭ Hial Atropa!! ☭.
{HTMLFormElement} form
A DOM reference to a form.
{String} funcName
Optional. The name you want to give your generated function. Defaults to prettyPinkBike
{Boolean} useOptionsObj
Optional. Set to true if you want the generated function to accept a single options object instead of multiple parameters.
{String} tab
Optional. The string specified here will be used as tabs. Defaults to four spaces.
{String} eol
Optional. The string specified here will be used as the end of line character. Defaults to \r\n.
{String} Returns a JavaScript function as a string. This function will accept parameters representing the data which would be entered into the form elements, and will return a FormData object.

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